Your Best Guide to Aqualyx Injections in the UK: What They are, the Benefits, and More

Your Best Guide to Aqualyx Injections in the UK: What They are, the Benefits, and More

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If you’ve been reading about ways to surgically or non-surgically remove fat, you will most certainly have come across fat-dissolving or Aqualyx injections. This is the latest fat-reducing treatment for many, and more and more clinics tout its many advantages. One of the most obvious advantages of the treatment is that it is minimally invasive, which means you don’t have to undergo surgery! The experts call it a ‘body contouring’ procedure, and it’s an apt name for it because it does contour the body and helps you get rid of stubborn, unwanted fatty areas – like the jowls, saddlebags, flabby upper arms, and more. But what else is so good about it, and what are its true benefits? Following is your best guide to Aqualyx injections in the UK: What they are, their benefits, and more.

What is it?

Aqualyx is simply a solution with deoxycholic acid mixed with other plant-based compounds. It has long been used to treat other conditions, and the human body produces it as bile. As a fat-dissolving treatment, it is very effective indeed.

How it works

Aqualyx causes ‘cell lysis,’ which means it can dissolve cells. Even if it destroys fat and protein cells, it has a greater affinity for fat tissue, which it is more likely to destroy or break down. Afterwards, you can feel mild skin inflammation, which also helps clear the skin of debris.

Why is Aqualyx used?

Many scientists have come up with different ways of reducing fat, but none is as effective as Aqualyx in reducing stubborn or unwanted pockets of fat. In particular, many people don’t like how the skin on their face loosens as they age, resulting in loose or sagging jowls. While it is common for people to turn to liposuction for the area, it will not tighten the tissues and is also very invasive. Meanwhile, Aqualyx injections not only dissolve fat deposits but also tighten the skin and don’t change the movements of the face in any way.

What areas can benefit from treatment?

The most commonly treated area is the jawline or chin, which is also known for having ‘submental’ fat – especially since it’s often a problem area for both men and women. But other areas can benefit from Aqualyx or fat-dissolving injections, including the back (also known as ‘bra fat’), the abdomen or tummy, the outer and inner thighs, the buttocks, the hips, and the upper arms.

Remember, however, that the treatment is not designed for ultimate weight loss. It is only for localised areas that do not respond well to diet and exercise. Its main purpose is to contour the body and not to treat larger areas of the body with a lot of fat. In general, the targeted areas should not be larger than the palm of your hand.

Does the procedure have any side effects?

Normally, the treatment can be performed in under an hour, and you can go back to your normal routine afterwards. There may be minimal bruising, but the injection is often administered with local anaesthesia so it wouldn’t hurt as much. You will only feel a slight pinprick at the injected area.

The injections will begin working right away, but there will be swelling for the first few days. After a few weeks, the results will be readily apparent.

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