What will an ENT specialist look for

What will an ENT specialist look for

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An ENT or ear nose and throat consultant is a highly trained doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting these parts of the body. The medical specialty that deals with disorders of the ears, nose, and throat is called otolaryngology. That’s why ENT doctors can also be called an otolaryngologist.

If you have never been examined by an ENT doctor before, you might wonder what you’ll have to go through during your first examination. In this article, we are going to explore what will an  Giarre ENT specialist look for.

These are some of the most common examinations performed by an ENT doctor.

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One of the first things your doctor will do is inspect your external ear using various instruments. They will usually start by examining the outer ear canal with an auriscope/otoscope. They will also swab any discharge or wax coming from your ear. They will then proceed to look for any signs of abnormality, such as abnormalities in the shape and size of the pinna to see if it shows any signs of trauma, extra cartilage tags, irregular lesions or neoplasia. They will also look for any signs of external ear canal inflammation and infection or any scars or signs caused by a previous surgery.

Internal Ear Canal Inspection

Your doctor will then proceed to check your inner ear canal for any irregularities. They will usually use a modern auriscope/otoscope with a light for the inspection. They will start by pulling your pinna backwards to clear way for the internal ear canal and straighten it for inspection. The doctor will look for things such as excessive wax, the general condition of the ear canal’s skin, any signs of discharge or any kind of foreign tissue. The ear drum’s mobility will usually also be tested using a pneumatic instrument. They will also check the condition of your tympanic membrane for any irregularity.

Nose and Throat Inspection

Your doctor will usually check for the function of your nasal pathways, airway resistance and in some cases, general sense of smell. They will check for conditions such as inflammation, sinusitis, and the position of the septum among other things.

When it comes to the throat, your doctor will proceed with a thorough examination using a torch. They will check the general condition of your throat and tongue, look for signs of inflammation of the throat and tonsils, palpate the tongue’s back for signs of a tumor, etc. They will also check the mouth’s floor for any mass or duct stones in the submandibular area.

At Phoenix Hospital Group, we offer sophisticated diagnostic testing and treatment for ENT conditions. Being one of the most advanced ENT specialist centres in the country, we can provide ENT minor procedures and diagnostic tests like:

  • Ear micro-suction to remove wax build-up
  • Nasal cautery to stop a major nosebleed
  • Flexible laryngoscopy to look at the voice box and back of nose and throat
  • Nasal and sinus endoscopy
  • Audiometry (hearing test)
  • Flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing
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